Wednesday 3 March 2010

Tag: Products I Regret Buying

As this is my first post I just wanted to begin with some fun posts that I have seen on YouTube. Please remember that these are just my own thoughts on products, if you have any questions about a product feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

The first product I regret buying is the Boots No7 quick cover concealer in 05 medium. There are a couple of reasons that I dislike this product the main being how much it cakes on my face. To be honest I don't really have too many blemishes but I do have two red splodges (for lack of a better word) on my face. I think they must be broken capillaries. I do admit that they are quite hard to cover but I quite like products that slightly cover them so I never really have very high hopes for concealer. No matter what I did with this it almost seemed to oxidise throughout the day so that I looked like I had orange spots, not a good look. Another reason I don't like this product is that it is waaaay too dark for me. I do have quite light skin that I find hard to match but the lady at the Boots counter recommended this as I apparently have yellow undertones hmm I must've misheard yellow for orange.

The second product I regret buying is the Avon MorphTones Range of Rose eyeshadow. I do not think that they stock this anymore, thankfully. There is one reason that I hate this product it creases like no-ones business. I had such high hopes for this eyeshadow as in the past I have had great experiences with cream shadows but not with this one. I didn't use it with an eyeshadow primer but I honestly have never had an eyeshadow crease on me before.

The third product I regret buying is the Avon Astonishing Lengths mascara (I do love a lot of Avon products but these just haven't performed for me). I found the solution to be very wet, I do like some wet mascaras as they are easy to build but this one almost clung to me lashes whilst not actually doing much for length, the only thing it did was smudge onto my undereye, leaving my friends wondering if I had done an all nighter (actually a few of them asked if I had slept in a month) obviously this wasn't the desired effect. Also, the mascara seemed to make my eyelashes break. I know this sounds odd but its the truth, I persevered with the product for two weeks and by the end of my trial my eyelashes were left in stumps.

The fourth product I regret buying is the Maybelline Kohl Express waterproof eyeliner. Main reason I didn't like this product was that it wasn't waterproof at all. On the couple of days I had wore it it smeared off throughout the day, it came into absolutely no contact with water. I'm not one to rub my eyes ever I've never really had the habit so I know I didn't rub it off. Overall, very disappointed I used to use a lot of Maybelline but of late I haven't I don't find their quality too good to be honest.

The fifth and last product (I hope) that I regret buying is the Barry M Sky Blue Lengthening mascara. A couple of my friends swear by using blue mascara to brighten up the whites of their eyes. I had used a navy colour a few times before but fancied trying Barry M for the first time (the bright colours had always scared me off). The sky bly colour doesn't transfer to my lashes at all. It just seems to leave a sticky gloop of blue-black mascara behind but even that isn't noticeable. It doesn't lengthen my lashes whatsoever, I did use a white primer from a Maybelline mascara waited for this to dry and then applied this mascara over the top. What was I left with? White eyelashes for some reason the colours of these mascaras just don't transfer. Conclusion nice idea, poorly executed.

1 comment:

  1. what a transformation, you seem to have your own little salon going on.
